TheBrain Markdown Format Information

TheBrain Markdown Reference

Markdown starts with plain text and allows document formatting with easy-to-type markup. The formatting tags are hidden when you are not editing your document. In addition to the ability to type formatting tags, most tags can be inserted and removed using the toolbar at the top of the notes editor.

Markdown Visibility

TheBrain 13 introduces the ability to toggle Markdown tag visibility even while actively editing notes.

When Markdown is hidden, only the tags for commonly-used formatting options in the below list can be typed:

  • Headings
  • Unordered lists
  • Ordered lists
  • Checkboxes (checked and unchecked)
  • Horizontal rules
  • Blockquotes
  • Math expressions
  • Standard Markdown

    TheBrain supports the following subset of Markdown:

      Plain text Explanation/Result
    A paragraph
    Another paragraph.
    Paragraphs are simply a single run-on line of text with no breaks, followed by two line breaks between other paragraphs.
    # Title


    Different levels of headings can be achieved with by varying the number of # characters at the start of a line from 1 to 6.

    ## Subtitle


    Slightly smaller than a Title.

    ### Heading


    Slightly smaller than a Subtitle.

    #### Sub-heading


    Smaller than a Heading.

    > A blockquote Start a line with > to get
    A blockquote
    *Italic* emphasis Italic emphasis
    **Bold** emphasis Bold emphasis
    Inline `code` style Inline code style (monospaced formatting)
    * A bullet list
    * Unordered items
    • A bullet list
    • Unordered items
    1. Numbered list
    2. Ordered items
    1. Numbered list
    2. Ordered items
    [a link](https://en.
    This is a link to a Wikipedia page.

    Links to thoughts (Local Thought URLs) are done in the same manner, with a brain: link: [A thought](brain://...)
    ![alt text](https://en.
    "Embedded image")

    In the desktop and mobile clients, add images using copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop. Images can be resized from full width (100%) down to 5%. An image at 50% width is indicated by appending #$width=50p$ to the image address.
    Horizontal rule


    Between paragraphs

    Horizontal rule

    Between paragraphs

    \* Escaped text

    * Escaped text

    Use \ to escape single characters that would otherwise be interpretted as markdown formatting commands. In this example, the line would be a bulleted list if the backslash were not present.


    Minor Changes to Markdown

    Except for <br>, TheBrain ignores HTML tags and just treats them as plain text. TheBrain changes the meaning of the following Markdown characters:

      First line
    Another line
    First line
    Another line

    Newline characters (when you press Enter/Return) are always respected whereas traditional Markdown would ignore single line breaks unless the line ended with space.
    + Done (checked)
    - To do (unchecked)
    * Normal bullet item
    •  Done (checked)
    •  To do (unchecked)
    • Normal bullet item


    TheBrain Extensions to Markdown

    TheBrain extends Markdown to add support for the following formatting:

    :-- Left justified Left justified

    Line justification is specifed by adding :-- :-: or --: at the start of the line.
    :-: Centered
    --: Right justified
    Right justified
    Code block
    across multiple lines.
    Code block
    across multiple lines.

    Code blocks are monospaced and ignore markdown formatting within them.
    _{Underlined}_ text Underlined text
    The game is -{almost}- over The game is almost over.

    Add strikethrough to a word or phrase using the -{ and }- tags.
    10^2 = 100 102 = 100

    Superscript is supported using ^ as a delimiter. These tags are slighty different in that they can be applied just at the start of the text to be affected and end automatically at punctuation or a space. To extend beyond punctuation, add a second ^ at the end also.
    H~2~O is water H2O is water.

    Subscript is supported using ~ as a delimiter in a similar manner as superscript.
    :{Red on yellow:(style=
    Red on yellow

    Attributes for text foreground and background colors are applied by prefixing the style attribute with :( and ending it with :). The span indicating the text to which the attribute should apply is specified by surrounding it with :{ and }:. If an attribute is placed outside of a span, it will be applied to the entire line of text.
    :{Text in a special font
    Text in a special font

    Attributes for font-family and font-size are also supported by TheBrain. Note that there is no UI for specifying font-size at this time.
    $$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}$$

    Enclose a LaTeX expression within $$ tags to render math directly in the notes editor.

    Provides support for: Simple algebraic equations, Fractions and continued fractions, Exponents and subscripts, Trigonometric formulae, Square roots and n-th roots, Calculus symbols (limits, derivatives, integrals), Big operators (e.g. product, sum), Big delimiters (using \left and \right), Greek alphabet, and much more...


    TheBrain Table Extensions to Markdown

    Similar to tables in GitHub Flavored Markdown with several powerful additions.

    |Mercury|Roman god of speed|
    |Venus|Roman god of love|
    |Earth|Variation of "the ground" in many languages|
    |Mars|Roman god of war|
    Planet Namesake
    Mercury Roman god of speed
    Venus Roman god of love
    Earth Variation of "the ground" in many languages
    Mars Roman god of war
    • Each line of a table must start and end with |
    • No dividing line after the header of |---|---| should be added
    • The first line is treated as a header row. To hide the header row, use an empty line of two | characters
    • Column widths are automatically determined based on the contents
    |Item|Description|--: Price|
    |Phone|Includes:{nl}* Holographic display{nl}* Telepathic UI|1,000.00|
    |Case|Shock resistant hard shell|19.00|
    Item Description Price
    Phone Includes:
    • Holographic display
    • Telepathic UI
    Case Shock resistant hard shell 19.00
    • Multi-line cells are supported using {nl} to denote new lines
    • Lines can utilize tags to include bullets, headings, etcetera
    • Justify a cell using appropriate justification prefix at the start of the cell
    • To justify a column, place the justification prefix in the header row
    • To justify the table itself, place the justification prefix at the start of the header row, before the first |
    |Mercury|Roman god of speed|
    |Venus|Roman god of love|
    |Earth|Variation of "the ground" in many languages|
    |Mars|Roman god of war|
    Planet Namesake
    Mercury Roman god of speed
    Venus Roman god of love
    Earth Variation of "the ground" in many languages
    Mars Roman god of war
    • Include a :(table=""): tag at the end of a table header line to allow custom styling
    • Insert attributes such as foreground-color:#ffffe050 between the quotes, separated by semicolons
    • Hex values for each attribute are in AARRGGBB format
    • Column widths can be assigned with the column-widths attribute
    • Column width values are in pixels and begin sequentially at the first column in the table. -1 represents a column that has no value assigned.